Monday, May 17, 2010

Attempt to turn a theist

The world of agnosticism and existentialism is a very interesting world, and as a participant of both beliefs, theism and atheism, and everything in between I have to say that the spiritual connections that I feel as an agnostic are much more enlightening and rewarding than anything I ever felt as a religious theist. In a world without religion ... See Moremost people would continue to act morrally because thats what they would be taught from their responsible parents and their educational institutions. A society has norms and values and when you subtract god from the picture, people will continue to hold these. Things would continue as they are because capitalism and materialism currently run the world and both of those things don't change when god is subtracted from the equation. To feel that you are just one of an infinate amount of possibilities is one of the greatest feelings in the world if you choose to embrace it. It makes life a lot more worth living, and if we are here for any specific reason thats what we are here for, Living. What defines our character is how we treat other people, not what god we believe in or what laws we choose to follow. Life is ours for the taking(figurativley) so lets do that as best as we can. Use what we know to help people become more knowledgable; instead of confusing them with assumptions about how and why they were created and a specific guidline of how they should live their lives. As well as promising them and scaring them of an afterlife that there is absolutley no proof of. If life is what matters, and you make the mistake of confusing your connections with god with your connections with your own spirit/mind than you are ignoring exactly what we are here to do. Society without religion will continue in a more organized intelligent fashion because people will not only begin to see how much their lives are actually worth but they will see how much everyone else values their lives, they will have more respect for life of all kinds in all ways. Even if there were a god to judge us he would only judge us on the decisions we made and what we learned from them, not whether or not we believed in him or praised and worshiped him. If god really wanted us to do all of the things in the christian bible he would have told us himself, or at least given us a clear sign of this, not just an interpretive novel. Read some Frederick Nietzsche, Jean Paul Sarte, Martin Heidegger, Budism, Taoism. There are as many possibilities for why we are here as there are lives on the earth, I hope you can see the benefits of switching teams and what it means to the evolution and betterment of mankind.

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